Adding his name to list of men who have claimed a SCL victory was Latvian strongman star Dainis Zageris. IronMind® | Image courtesy of SCL
Adding his name to list of men who have claimed a SCL victory was Latvian strongman star Dainis Zageris. IronMind® | Image courtesy of SCL Strongman Champions League (SLC) Lativa saw Dainis Zageris capture his first SCL victory and Marcel Mostert called the action from the field for IronMind.
Dainis Zageris Wins his First SCL Ever!
by Marcel Mostert
Co-Founder, Strongman Champions League (SCL)
On a beautiful 25-degree (C) day in a stadium filled with 5000 people, the Latvian hero Dainis Zageris won his first MHP Strongman Champions League ever and you can believe he was very happy about that as he beat Krzysztof Radzikowski, the SCL leader at the moment, as well as the complete field of 12 athletes.
Although Krzysztof set a new world record in Latvia (Viking Press for 12 reps with 170 kg), but it didn’t help him take the overall victory.
Also the other Latvian strongman did really well here, so it shows that the level is going up again in Latvia, where it all began with former strongman Raimunds Bergmanis—who is now a politician in the government in his country.
The show went great and the public support was fantastic. Also, Ervin Katona made his first appearance as a referee in the MHP Strongman Champions League. “It was not easy. It’s a very different thing to be a referee, but all went very well,” Katona said.
We look forward to the airing of this show and many thanks to Andris Bojars and his perfect oerganization. We will be back in Latvia next year.
Final Results SCL LATVIA 2015
- Dainis Zageris / Latvia 68.5
- Oskars Martuzans / Latvia 59
- Krzysztof Radzikowski / Poland 52.5
- Didzis Zarins / Latvia 50
- Aivar Smaukstelis / Latvia 49.5
- Lauri Nami / Estonia 35
- Ole Martin Hansen / Norway 31.5
- Vidas Blekaitis / Lithuania 29.5
- Alex Moonen / Holland 24
- Akos Nagy / Hungary 21.5
- Antti Mourujärvi / Finland 21
- Simon Sulaiman / Syria OUT
To watch the world record of Krzsysztof Radzikowski, click here.
And tonight on Eurosport at 00.30 there will be the first broadcast of the SCL Holland 2015, featuring Zydrunas Savickas and Grzegorz Shymanski in a real exciting fight you won’t want to miss.
Strongman Champions League (SCL) co-founder Marcel Mostert (left) interviews Dainis Zageris (right), who won SCL Latvia. IronMind® | Image courtesy of SCL
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2015 IronMind