This shirt is a gamechanger for your workout! No slipping off of the bench at benchpress! No slipping off of the bar at squats! Even stones, logs and dumbells are no match for the grip of this shirt! Approved by Strongman Champions League!
How can you win a Shirt in your size? EASY!
1. Like this post!
2. Comment and tag 2 friends who need this!
3. Follow the @godsrageint page on Instagram!
4. Follow the @strongmanchampionsleague page on Instagram
5. Be 1 of 3 fortunate warriors to get this shirt!
The Contest ends on 3rd of June, 0:00 German time!
This contest is not in cooperation with Instagram. Gods Rage is responsible for shipping the t-shirts. Any correspondence for the prize will be held with Gods Rage. We will pick the 3 winners on 4th of June. The Winners will be contacted by @godsrageint via DM with further information about the handling of the prize.
Thank you and good luck to everybody!